10KV high-voltage lines are widely distributed, have long overhead lines, and operate in the open air. They are often affected by the surrounding environment and natural changes. Failures often occur during operation, affecting normal power supply and bringing certain harm to people's production
1. PLC self-fault judgmentGenerally speaking, PLC is an extremely reliable device with a low failure rate. The probability of PLC CPU and other hardware being damaged or software running errors is almost zero; if the PLC input point is not caused by strong current intrusion, it will almost not be da
1. The standard material contains waterDuring the test, if the flash point standard material used contains water, the water dispersed in the oil will vaporize to form water vapor during the heating and determination of the flash point, and sometimes bubbles will be formed to cover the liquid surface
The high current generator is a necessary high-precision, high-current measuring instrument in the laboratory. It is selected based on the measurement accuracy of the current transformer under different loads. Compared with ordinary ammeters, it has the advantages of simple structure, high reliabili